“A widely read newspaper” in the late 1940s and early 1950s, thanks to rotary and high-speed presses, paper sizes were very large. The large size of the presses, their capacity to print densely over a very large surface area, and their speed at which they could print hundreds of consecutive pages meant that a single huge newspaper could be produced from one such press. Today, even smaller newspapers are produced on a much larger scale by the same presses which produced the giant daily newspapers.
“A newspaper is merely a news paper, but how it is published, or rather what kind of a publication is made of it, depends entirely upon the mood of the people who own it and on the popularity with which it is newsed.” – Sir Walter Scott. (pects of a news paper were also set at this time by his experience in journalism.) The first real attempt to define a newspaper appeared in 1844; the Edinburgh Evening Journal tried to combine (and succeed) with the first British newspaper printing company.
” Newspaper”, according to Webster’s dictionary, means “a printed publication for general circulation”, and this was used synonymously with “news” to indicate any kind of news report. In common usage, however, the term has been used specifically to mean news paper. Many newspapers have ceased print publication, either because of the growth of electronic newspapers or simply because they have changed the content they wanted to present. Many newspapers still continue to be distributed through the postal system.