The Many Roles of Designers in Business and Society


The Many Roles of Designers in Business and Society

Design is described in two ways: by definition and by application. A design is typically a blueprint or specifications for the arrangement or fabrication of something, or for the execution of some activity or procedure, or the outcome of that blueprint or specifications. The verb to design normally indicates the creative process of designing. Design can also be used to mean the process by which an existing thing is designed according to needs or specifications. A person can be said to design something if he drafts a plan, drawing, diagram or blueprint for doing so.

Designers are also involved in interaction design and product design. Interaction designers are those whose works usually deal with interaction with people, but sometimes with other kinds of artificial entities. Their works therefore often deal with information systems, computer-architecture, multimedia, and human-computer interactions. Their functions may include organizing people, processes, equipment, information, and communication.

Meanwhile, web designers are involved in web design works. Web designers are concerned with the aesthetic as well as the practical aspect of a website. They are responsible for choosing colors, for example, and they are also considered to create the appearance of the site. Finally, animation designers create visual illustrations and animations for a website or a film, and they play an important role in telling the viewers what a website or a film is about.