Design Process

A design is basically a blueprint or description of an object, structure or process and/or for the successful implementation of that blueprint or description in the shape of a finished product, machine or procedure. The verb to design generally indicates the planning process of producing a design, which could be either a drawing or model. Designing is an art, as in many aspects of engineering and art. The term ‘design’ has various other meanings. In business terms, the design is used to describe an object that meets certain requirements and is designed for a specific purpose or outcome.


Designers use various techniques and systems to arrive at a final design. The first step of the design process may involve soliciting input from the customer; problem-solving strategies may then be implemented to identify and correct any problems identified; requirements information gathering may be done through interviews, discussion or research with other people involved in the organization, and finally, computer software applications may be used to produce, maintain and track the information. In this way, the process of design includes soliciting input, problem-solving strategies and finally the use of computer software applications to produce, maintain and track the information. As mentioned earlier, the use of computers in this case facilitates the efficient use of the information generated, and in some cases, may even allow the accurate and precise output of desired results.

Although designers are often involved in problem-solving processes during the design process, it does not end there. In fact, designers have an important role in the problem-solving process after the design process is complete. They may be involved in advising customers on the design, maintaining the relationship with existing customers and suppliers, and reviewing and evaluating proposals and contracts. Designers can also be involved in evaluating the performance of the project team and supervising the completion of the project. Designers also have a role to play in ensuring that the designed solution meets all legal requirements and that the objectives of the organization are achieved.