A design is a blueprint or specification of the arrangement of something or the procedure for its arrangement, either in the form of an actual object or in the form of an invention, process or system. The word ‘design’ is therefore used as a general term meaning ‘an arrangement or outline of something’. The singular verb to design means ‘to prepare or arrange’ or ‘to make something suitable’. The double verb design usually signifies ‘to make (something) possible’.
The term ‘design’ is also found used in the expression ‘creative designing’ and is thus used to describe the process by which architects, designers, inventors and technicians make something suitable or workable. The rational model is also an important part of the design process. The rational model is a graphical representation of the product, idea or structure in 3-D format. The rational model is a representation of how the final product would look like if constructed based on the specifications given during the conceptualization process. After the rational model is ready it is used by the designers as an illustration or prototype in constructing the product.
After completing the product design the next step is to create the business case. The design goals are the conditions under which the product must be manufactured, i.e. the price range, target audience, etc. The design solutions are the steps that go into realizing the design goals, these include the method by which the product will get produced, the resources used, the schedule of manufacturing, marketing and promotion, and the eventual end result. These are then used to evaluate the feasibility of the design solutions in relation to the existing market situation.