
newspaper is a daily newspaper published in both print and online form. It is a free publication which carries information pertaining to general life in the UK and also internationally. The newspaper is published every day and has limited space for articles. This paper is circulated through all cities and municipalities in UK.

news paper

Today, there are numerous news papers published in UK. Some of the famous newspapers are The Daily Record, Daily Mail, The Telegraph, The Scottish Daily Record, Financial Mail, The Daily Record, The Independent, Daily Star, The Daily Express, The Daily Mail, The Independent, The Daily Mirror, The Times, The Scotsman, and Financial Times. These news papers generally follow general news and feature stories on local and international topics. They carry entertainment features as well such as news reports, reviews of the latest films and sporting events, and feature stories on the latest business affairs. Some of the popular news papers are also published online on a daily basis.

In this article, discuss the different possible acronym, full form and slang name of a newspaper. The full form of newspaper is usually referred as a broadsheet or simply BL copy. These news papers are available at all major newsstands and are available in all bookshops. The newspaper is normally circulated throughout the country either by posters or hand delivered. Today, there are several websites that offer news paper from various newspapers for the convenience of individuals.