A design is a blueprint or specifications for the assembling of an object, the arrangement of parts on the basis of which it is assembled or the precise performance of some activity or procedure, or the effect of which assembling is to be effected, or in the form of some prototype. The word ‘design’ itself signifies a work made according to the design of some previous person or work. Designing is not a simple art but a process by means of which an original artistic conception is brought to reality by applying certain general rules of form and function to a selected model of actual object. The verb design gives the definition of designing.
It is easy for many designers to get caught up in expressing their thoughts rather than expressing a proper design thing. For example, many designers talk of color schemes or themes when they mean just ‘colors.’ This is an example of wrong usage of language. When you talk of a theme, you mean a certain thing, the entire arrangement of which is used to arrange things in such a way as to give the impression of some overall theme or design. Similarly, while talking about color schemes, the color which is meant by each scheme is to be specified with great care and the use of colors is limited to the extent compatible with its relationship to the other things in the design.
A designer has to be sensitive to the needs of his/her clients and the technicalities involved. A designer cannot express his creativity in mere words. The technological developments in the recent past have also increased the scope and the need for designing as an integrated whole. There are many designers who follow a practice of modeling first before expressing their ideas in the form of physical objects. They are able to solve the technical problems associated with the production of physical objects, and then describe their design in terms of patterns of functions, surfaces, etc. Many designers use geometry in this way to describe the structure of their work.